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Issues regarding intellectual in the United States are all governed and overseen by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The US Patent and Trademark Office a Federal government agency within the United States Department of Commerce that is responsible for issuing patents and trademarks to individuals and businesses.
When was the US Patent and Trademark Office Formed? - The US Patent and Trademark Office was created as the result of the First Congress of the United States signing into law the Patent Act of 1790, which was the country’s first law in regards to patents.
The US Patent and Trademark Office was also created in accordance to the United States Constitution. Under Article 1, Section 8, the Constitution calls for a promotion of the sciences and the arts by legally providing for protection of the rights for their creations and inventions.
What is the Purpose of the US Patent and Trademark Office? – The US Patent and Trademark Office will prove to have quite the extensive list of responsibilities. In short, any particular aspect regarding intellectual property, from the formal application and registration process, to the enforcement of intellectual property protection laws, is the charged responsibility to the USPTO. The overall underlying purpose behind the US Patent and Trademark Office is simply to promote the progress of industry, science, technology, and the arts for the intent of stimulating and strengthening the United States’ economy.
Where is the US Patent and Trademark Office Located? –Prior to 2006, the US Patent and Trademark Office was located in the Crystal City section of the city of Arlington, Virginia. The offices would finally relocate to Alexandria, Virginia in 2006. However, the move would not be completed until 2009, as the offices of Patents and the Chief Information Officer remained in Crystal City.
What is the Structure of the US Patent and Trademark Office? - As of 2009, the US Patent and Trademark Office employed just over 9,700 employees, and the number continues to grow today. Out of those employees, about 6,200 were all patent examiners and 388 were designated as trademark examining attorneys. The agency executive is the Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property, a position that is currently held by David J. Kappos. Kappos has held the position since 2009, which was appointed to him by the President Barack Obama. He succeeded John Doll, who was acting as the interim agency executive in lieu of the resignation of Jon W. Dudas.
The US Patent and Trademark Office is also made up three administrative bodies under the Commissioner for Patents: Deputy Commissioner for Patent Operations Peggy Focarino, Deputy Commissioner for Patent Examination Andrew Hirshfeld, and the Commissioner for Patent Resources and Planning, a position that is vacant.
The Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences is also an administrative of the US Patent and Trademark Office and is focused upon the legal aspects that may arise in regards to decisions made by examiners. All appeals regarding decisions on patentability are made to the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences, which can also be further appealed in the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.
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