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When making trademark applications for registration under the United States Patent and Trademark Office
Another component of a standard trademark application is a description of the goods and/or services which the trademark will be used in conjunction with. These should be expressed in language accessible to the layperson, as opposed to more specialized terms used only in that particular field. Yet, it should still be specific in its description.
A trademark application must also express to the USPTO the ability of the applicant to make use of the image. This may be accomplished by either specifying that the trademark is currently in use, or that there is an intent to use.Various fees are incurred when creating a trademark application. The basic fee for submitting the actual trademark application may amount to either $275, $325, or $375. In the first two cases of trademark applications of varying classes being submitted through the online Trademark Electronic Application System, and the latter in instances in which a paper document is filed. Other fees are likely to be incurred at a later stage of the process.
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