IC 036. US 100 101 102. G & S: providing ocean marine and yacht accident insurance, providing others with financial advice, arranging for towing reimbursement, arranging boat financing for others, arranging for the issuance of credit cards to others, arranging personal loans for others, arranging theft rewards for others. FIRST USE: 19660000. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 19660000
IC 039. US 100 105. G & S: boat towing services; providing on the water assistance to boaters by the delivering of gasoline and other supplies by boat; salvaging and towing disabled vessels. FIRST USE: 19890000. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 19890000
IC 042. US 100 101. G & S: association services, namely promoting the interests of boat owners and operators; providing advice on the maintenance and design of boats; catalog services, mail order services, telephone order services and retail store services in the field of marine, boating and water sports equipment, supplies, clothing, books, charts, maps, videotapes and related accessories. FIRST USE: 19660000. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 19660000
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